How long will the money for 8171 Benazir Taleemi be received?

The 8171 Benazir Taleemi program aims to support education by providing financial assistance to deserving students. Understanding the timeline for receiving these funds is crucial for families hoping to benefit from this scholarship. In this article, we’ll delve into the process, eligibility criteria, and timelines for receiving the money.

How the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program Works?

How the Benazir Taleemi Wazaif Program Works?

The 8171 Benazir Taleemi money is linked to school attendance, with 70% attendance being a key requirement. Funds are disbursed based on the child’s attendance record, ensuring that the assistance reaches those who are actively engaged in their education.

Determining Eligibility:

To qualify for the scholarship, your child must maintain a minimum of 70% attendance at their school. This attendance percentage is checked periodically to ensure ongoing eligibility for financial assistance.

Disbursement Timeline:

The timeline for receiving the scholarship money depends on the enrollment period of the child. If the child is enrolled between April and June, the funds will be disbursed in December. Conversely, if enrollment occurs between January and March, funds will be received in June.

Timing for Al-Rady School Attendees:

For children attending Al-Rady School, the disbursement follows a slightly different schedule. Funds are received in intervals of three months, aligning with the academic calendar.

Verification Process:

Upon enrolling your child in school, the verification process begins. This involves monitoring attendance to ensure that the 70% threshold is met. Only children who fulfill this requirement are eligible for the scholarship.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take to receive the Benazir Taleemi money?

The process typically takes three to four months from the time of enrollment, depending on the child’s attendance record and the disbursement schedule.

Can I apply for the 8171 Benazir Taleemi at any time during the year?

Yes, you can apply for the scholarship throughout the year. However, the timing of enrollment will determine the disbursement schedule.

What if my child’s attendance falls below 70%?

If your child’s attendance drops below the required threshold, they may no longer be eligible for the scholarship until their attendance improves.

Disbursement Schedule of Benazir Taleemi Wazifa

Enrollment PeriodFunds Disbursed
April – JuneDecember
January – MarchJune
Al-Rady SchoolEvery three months


Understanding the timeline for receiving funds under the 8171 Benazir Taleemi program is essential for families seeking financial assistance for their children’s education. By adhering to the attendance requirements and following the disbursement schedule, eligible students can benefit from this valuable scholarship opportunity.

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