PM Announces 10% Increase in BISP Kafalat Payment

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shahbaz Sharif, has announced a 10% increase in the Kafalat payment under the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP). This adjustment comes in response to the rising inflation in Pakistan and aims to provide additional financial relief to economically weak citizens who face difficulties in meeting their daily needs.

Understanding the Kafalat Payment Increase

The BISP Kafalat payment has been a lifeline for many low-income families, helping them manage essential expenses. The program previously provided an amount of Rs 10,500 to eligible individuals. However, given the current economic conditions, this amount has proven insufficient to cover rising costs.

With the 10% increase, beneficiaries of the program will now receive Rs 11,550. This adjustment is expected to ease the burden on many households struggling to cope with inflation.

New Kafalat Payment Table

Previous PaymentNew PaymentPercentage Increase
Rs 10,500Rs 11,55010%

How the Increase Will Help

The increase in the Kafalat payment will provide much-needed support to those struggling with rising living costs. This boost will enable families to better manage their expenses and maintain a reasonable quality of life.

Registration and Eligibility

For those not yet registered in the BISP Kafalat program, it is essential to complete the registration process as soon as possible to benefit from this increase. The program offers financial assistance to eligible individuals based on certain criteria, including income and household size.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Income: Individuals and families with incomes below a specific threshold are eligible.
  • Household Size: Larger households may qualify for the program.
  • Documentation: Proper documentation is required to prove eligibility.
How to Register
  • Online Portal: Registration can be completed through the official 8171 portal.
  • Local Offices: Eligible individuals can visit local BISP offices for assistance with registration.


The PM Announces 10% Increase in BISP Kafalat Payment is a positive development for many low-income families in Pakistan. By providing additional financial assistance, the government is taking a step toward alleviating the economic hardships faced by many citizens. Those who have not yet registered for the program are encouraged to do so promptly to benefit from the increase.

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