PM Released 10500 Benazir Taleemi Payment in March

In a significant move towards enhancing educational accessibility and providing financial relief to deserving families, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has announced the release of 10,500 Benazir Taleemi payments as part of the Ramazan Relief Package. This initiative aims to alleviate the financial burden on lower and middle-income groups while ensuring the continuity of education for children across Pakistan.

Prime Minister’s Directive for Immediate Benazir Taleemi Distribution

Under the directives of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, relevant officials have been instructed to ensure the prompt distribution of funds among eligible beneficiaries registered under the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). The emphasis is on expediting the process to ensure that deserving individuals receive financial assistance promptly, particularly during the holy month of Ramazan.

Prime Minister's Directive for Immediate Benazir Taleemi Distribution

Increased Quarterly 10500 Benazir Taleemi Payment

As part of the initiative, the quarterly payment from the BISP has been raised to Rs10,500. This increase is aimed at providing greater financial support to families in need, enabling them to meet their essential expenses and invest in the education of their children. Moreover, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has specifically directed that recipient families from Balochistan receive an additional amount of Rs 2,000 each, further augmenting the assistance provided to marginalized communities.

Recognizing the importance of reaching out to eligible beneficiaries across the country, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has called for a comprehensive nationwide awareness campaign. The objective is to ensure that the Ramazan Relief Package, including the Benazir Taleemi payments, reaches a wider audience, thereby maximizing its impact and benefiting a larger number of deserving individuals.

How will the increased quarterly payment benefit recipients?

The increase in the quarterly payment to Rs10,500 provides recipients with additional financial resources to meet educational expenses, including school fees, books, and other related costs. This upliftment aims to alleviate financial constraints and promote educational accessibility.

Who is eligible to receive the Benazir Taleemi payments?

Eligibility for the Benazir Taleemi payments is determined based on the registration under the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). Families meeting the criteria for assistance are eligible to receive financial support for the education of their children.

Ramazan Relief Package Impact

The Ramazan Relief Package encompasses a subsidy of Rs7.5 billion, designed to benefit over 39.6 million families belonging to lower and middle-income groups. This substantial allocation demonstrates the government’s commitment to addressing the economic challenges faced by vulnerable segments of society. Additionally, the package includes provisions for the provision of essential food items at subsidized rates, ensuring access to nutritious meals during the holy month of Ramazan.


The release of 10,500 Benazir Taleemi payments in March under the Ramazan Relief Package marks a significant step towards promoting educational accessibility and providing financial relief to deserving families across Pakistan. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s directives underscore the government’s commitment to addressing socio-economic challenges and improving the quality of life for all citizens. Through increased financial assistance, nationwide awareness campaigns, and streamlined complaint redressal mechanisms, the government aims to ensure that welfare programs effectively reach those in need, fostering inclusive development and prosperity for the nation.

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