Who Can Receive 7000 Verified Payments Through the BISP Kafalat?

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The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) Kafalat initiative has been extended to provide a monthly stipend of 7000 Verified Payments Through the BISP Kafalat. This allocation aims to alleviate financial burdens and uplift the underprivileged communities by the government of pakistan. However, certain criteria determine who qualifies for this assistance and how they can access it.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the 7000 rupees payment through the BISP Kafalat program, individuals or families must meet specific eligibility requirements:

  1. No Prior Assistance: The payment of 7000 rupees is designated for individuals who have not previously received any financial aid through the Benazir Income Support Program.
  2. Poverty Score: Eligible families must demonstrate a poverty score of less than 30 percent. This criterion ensures that the assistance reaches those most in need of financial support.
  3. Application Status: Families who have applied for assistance under the BISP or Benazir program but have not yet received any funds are eligible for the 7000 rupees payment.

Accessing the Payment

Once deemed eligible, recipients can access the 7000 rupees payment through a simple process:

  1. Bank Withdrawal: Recipients can withdraw the payment from designated HBL or Al Falah Bank ATMs in their respective areas. These ATMs are equipped for biometric verification, ensuring secure and convenient transactions.
  2. Registration: To avail of the payment, eligible individuals must register at the Benazir Income Support Program office. Registration ensures that only qualified beneficiaries receive financial assistance.
  3. Online Verification: Alternatively, individuals can check their eligibility and gather more information through the Ehsaas 8171 web portal. This portal provides a user-friendly interface for verifying eligibility and accessing relevant program details.
Eligibility CriteriaAccessing the Payment
– No Prior Assistance– Bank Withdrawal
– Poverty Score < 30%– Registration
– Application Under BISP/Benazir but No Previous Payment– Online Verification

Remember, your participation in the BISP Kafalat program not only benefits you and your family but also contributes to the collective welfare and development of Pakistan.


The introduction of the 7000 rupees payment through the BISP Kafalat program underscores the government’s commitment to poverty alleviation and social welfare in Pakistan. By targeting deserving families and implementing secure payment mechanisms, the program aims to provide timely support to those most in need. Eligible individuals are encouraged to avail themselves of this assistance by fulfilling the necessary criteria and following the outlined procedures. Together, we can strive towards a more inclusive and prosperous society.

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